Dear Reader,
Here's an article I had published as the cover story of the August, 1997, issue of Small Business News. My executive coaching clients still find it useful.

I remember when I sold my first business and got a “real job.” A “real” job is the kind with set hours, limited responsibilities, and weekends off.
Weekends off! What an alien concept. Once I got used to the idea of free time and stopped bringing “special projects” and extra reading home, I noticed something very odd. I got a whole lot more done on the Mondays after a relaxing weekend than I had after struggling with work for seven (or seventy) straight days. Abe Lincoln is said to have declared that if he had eight hours to cut down a tree, he would spend four hours sharpening his saw. Vacation is for sharpening your most important tool: yourself.
Long-term Vacation Planning:
Grow your staff
I once asked the President of a division of a public company, “How do you account for your great success at such a young age?” After a moment’s reflection, he replied,...
Read the rest by clicking here. »

If you have thought about getting a coach, I suggest you start by clicking here to watch my eight minute video. I cover the most common questions of potential clients.
Let me know how this material impacts your life by replying to this email or posting a comment to my blog. I also invite you to forward this email to business people you respect and want to help.
Best wishes,

Tony Mayo
Download Tony's short book on building community.

Audio version read by Tony Mayo also available.
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