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Tony Mayo
Waking up today was a real disappointment, because it interrupted a nice dream.
I was a “right hand man” for the President of the United States, one of the people who whisper in his ear before he speaks, the person he turns to when he needs something important handled right now, with total reliability.
We–the President and I–were striding into a rally for party leaders in a school auditorium, going towards the front where he would make a speech to clinch their support. The President leaned toward my ear and said, “I want to announce Harry’s endorsement. Go get him.” We were now walking on stage and there was no time to waste, so I had to ask a question.

A certain remarkable species of bamboo is cultivated in Asia. The root system is so complex that the farmer must water, fertilize, and weed for five years before...
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I have been involved in various other corporate interventions of varying success. Tony made more progress with [us] in a few weeks than I have experienced before or since.
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Intimacy occurs when we share with another the conversations we normally have only with ourselves.
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© Tony Mayo except as otherwise noted.
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