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Dear Reader,
Years ago, when I was new to being coached, I experienced a fundamental attribute of transformational coaching. I was completing a fantastic call with my coach, Mary Arzt. I had done a lot of venting and whining. I had seen some new possibilities. I, ultimately, had gotten clear and excited about the steps I would take into my future. A fantastic coaching call. I thanked my coach for the generosity of her listening and the power of her insight.
At which point, everything had been said and there was nothing left to say. The coach let the silence continue and we sort of basked in that rare space of nothing to do and no place to go: just perfect. At some point, my ego started to second-guess the just completed conversation. My ego realized that I had revealed some aspects of my inner conversation that were not flattering, things I would not normally feel safe revealing. Remarkably, I felt no remorse or embarrassment.
"I feel totally known and accepted," I told her.
"That's right," she replied, "Me too."
The silence continued, comfortably, until I said,... Read the rest by clicking here. »

I am expanding the reach of my executive coaching by presenting more keynote speeches and workshops. My website now describes the talks I offer and includes two recently published videos. One is on the business benefits and neuroscience of meditation. The other new one offers tools for community building, the topic of my first book.

Tony Mayo on Who Gets a Coach & Why
If you have thought about getting a coach, I suggest you start by clicking here to watch my eight minute video. I cover the most common questions of potential clients.
Let me know how this material impacts your life by replying to this email or posting a comment to my blog. I also invite you to forward this email to business people you respect and want to help.
Best wishes,
Tony Mayo
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Tony Mayo d/b/a MayoGenuine
10915 Thanlet Lane
Reston, Virginia 20190