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Dear Reader,
The new year naturally brings our attention to big hopes, better habits, and a more satisfying life. Academic research and my experience with clients demonstrates that some approaches to goal setting and achievement work while others…well, not so much.

For more than twenty years, I have coached people through a proven process for setting and achieving their heartfelt goals. Now, you do not need to engage me as your personal executive coach to use the same techniques. Just let me know that you are interested and I will email specific directions for applying the best techniques known to science.

Click here to get free information on goal setting that works.



My own big goal for this year is to help more people by supplementing my 1:1 executive coaching with keynote speeches, webinars, and other group activities.

Video samples and complete talks are available here.



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by clicking here to complete my quick, one question survey.


Tony Mayo on Who Gets a Coach & Why
If you have thought about getting a coach, I suggest you start by clicking here to watch my eight minute video. I cover the most common questions of potential clients.
Let me know how this material impacts your life by replying to this email or posting a comment to my blog. I also invite you to forward this email to business people you respect and want to help.
Best wishes,
Tony Mayo
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Tony Mayo d/b/a MayoGenuine
10915 Thanlet Lane
Reston, Virginia 20190