Tony Mayo: A New Look
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Dear Reader,
This newsletter has a new color scheme and format to match my recently re-launched website at That's right. Not just a blog anymore but a full site designed to answer the most common questions business owners have about executive coaching and provide information to help them address their top challenges. Take a look, please by clicking here.
I am also introducing a new logo and slogan, a mayonnaise jar labeled, Bring in Coach Mayo. Bring out your best. More about that here: Why a Jar?
I promise more useful content in future issues of this email. Meanwhile, you can find past topics with the links at the right.
Tony Mayo on Who Gets a Coach & Why
If you have thought about getting a coach, I suggest you start by clicking here to watch my eight minute video. I cover the most common questions of potential clients.
Let me know how this material impacts your life by replying to this email or posting a comment to my blog. I also invite you to forward this email to business people you respect and want to help.
Best wishes,
Tony Mayo


Download Tony's short book on building community.

Click here to see a sample on Amazon.



Paperback and & hard cover available on Amazon & Barnes and Noble!

iTunes Spoken word version available on Audible
Audio version read by Tony Mayo also available.
To hear a sample click here for Audible or iTunes.
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Tony Mayo d/b/a MayoGenuine
10915 Thanlet Lane
Reston, Virginia 20190

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