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Dear Reader,
Almost all job postings, yours included, describe the absolute minimally acceptable qualifications. Why aim low? You know people will stretch their credentials and experience a bit to apply, so describing the least you will accept will attract many résumés that are totally inappropriate. Sound familiar? Here’s the antidote, with credit and thanks to Vistage speaker Barry Deutsch,  my guru for job ads. One of his posts is here.
Based on my memory of his talks and seeing the principles applied by many of my clients, here are some of the keys for writing an ad that attracts the right candidates:
  • When searching for a person to fill a job opening it seems natural to describe the history of person you are seeking. That’s a mistake.
    • You’re not in business to hire people.
      You’re in business to create results.
    • Don’t describe the person–describe the results that person must produce to be successful.
  • Spend more time on what the person will be doing than what the company does.
    • Good candidates will go to the website to learn about you. Disqualify the ones who do not.
  • Write it from the seeker’s point of view, in the,...Read the rest by clicking here. »
Tony Mayo on Who Gets a Coach & Why
If you have thought about getting a coach, I suggest you start by clicking here to watch my eight minute video. I cover the most common questions of potential clients.
Let me know how this material impacts your life by replying to this email or posting a comment to my blog. I also invite you to forward this email to business people you respect and want to help.
Best wishes,
Tony Mayo


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Tony Mayo d/b/a MayoGenuine
10915 Thanlet Lane
Reston, Virginia 20190