Carl Rogers Emphasizes Relationship



I watched the famous “Gloria” films this weekend, more properly known as Three Approaches to Psychotherapy. Gloria, the patient, generously agreed to have filmed sessions with each of the three great psychotherapists of the 1960s: Carl Rogers, Fritz Perls, and Albert Ellis. It must have been quite a day for her!


Carl Rogers actively worked to wrest control of counseling from the medical monopoly established by Freud and Jung, opening the work to (more…)

Set & Achieve Your Goals with The Business Owner’s Executive Coach

Yogi Berra
You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going because you might not get there.

–Yogi Berra


People have been using my goal-setting process to create better lives for over twenty years. Their improvements benefit themselves, their families, friends, and colleagues. Clients have reported extraordinary results in all areas of their lives, including doubled revenue, increased family time, and reduced stress. Participants have credited it for their weddings, career changes, speaking opportunities, and published books.


Goal setting works.
Like any tool, it works best with expert guidance and proven methods.

To register, learn more, or arrange for Tony Mayo to deliver this workshop privately for your company use (more…)

045 Creating Your Clearing for Breakthrough • PODCAST [Refresh]

045 Creating Your Clearing for Breakthrough • PODCAST [Refresh]

Today’s podcast, “Creating Your Clearing for Breakthrough” is the audio from a webinar presented by Tony Mayo, The Business Owner’s Executive Coach. Listen to this recording and then join us for Tuesdays with Tony at Twelve, a weekly, free webinar where you can explore powerful executive coaching tools and ask Tony about applying them in your life and career.

Tony continues last week’s discussion by reviewing the meaning of breakthrough, how to manage yourself and your environment to increase your chances of experiencing breakthroughs.

Today’s distinctions include:
• Interpretation: the thick, distorting filter between us and reality

• The Foundational Practice for Breakthrough
1. I am interpreting events.
2. I can be responsible for my interpretation.

• Historical Discourse
• Always-Already Filter

Video, handouts, and other resources from this and other webinars are available for free at:


045 Creating Your Clearing for Breakthrough • PODCAST [Refresh]

043 Clearing for Breakthrough • PODCAST [Refresh]

Today’s podcast, “Clearing for Breakthrough” is the audio from a webinar presented by Tony Mayo, The Business Owner’s Executive Coach. Listen to this recording and then join us for Tuesdays with Tony at Twelve, a weekly, free webinar where you can explore powerful executive coaching tools and ask Tony about applying them in your life and career.

Tony explains the meaning of a breakthrough and discusses how to use the insights available from a breakthrough to dramatically accelerate your performance.

Video, handouts, and other resources from this and other webinars are available for free at:


004 Trust Teleseminar by Tony Mayo • PODCAST [Refresh]



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcast

Teleseminar participants had a deep and practical conversation with CEO executive coach Tony Mayo about trust–a vital topic for business, family, and every human relationship. We also practiced a calming and centering exercise together.

You can join these drop-in, no-set-fee executive coaching teleseminars by registering at

Click here to listen or download to your iPod, iPad, or iPhone. If you use an Android or other non-Apple device for podcasts click this link.


Join us for future teleseminars by clicking here to join the announcement list.

Thanks to MusicOpen for providing public domain recordings of Beethoven.



045 Creating Your Clearing for Breakthrough • PODCAST [Refresh]

045 Creating Your Clearing for Breakthrough • PODCAST

Today’s podcast, “Creating Your Clearing for Breakthrough” is the audio from a webinar presented by Tony Mayo, The Business Owner’s Executive Coach. Listen to this recording and then join us for Tuesdays with Tony at Twelve, a weekly, free webinar where you can explore powerful executive coaching tools and ask Tony about applying them in your life and career.

Tony continues last week’s discussion by reviewing the meaning of breakthrough, how to manage yourself and your environment to increase your chances of experiencing breakthroughs.

Today’s distinctions include:
• Interpretation: the thick, distorting filter between us and reality

• The Foundational Practice for Breakthrough
1. I am interpreting events.
2. I can be responsible for my interpretation.

• Historical Discourse
• Always-Already Filter

Video, handouts, and other resources from this and other webinars are available for free at:


045 Creating Your Clearing for Breakthrough • PODCAST [Refresh]

043 Clearing for Breakthrough • PODCAST

Today’s podcast, “Clearing for Breakthrough” is the audio from a webinar presented by Tony Mayo, The Business Owner’s Executive Coach. Listen to this recording and then join us for Tuesdays with Tony at Twelve, a weekly, free webinar where you can explore powerful executive coaching tools and ask Tony about applying them in your life and career.

Tony explains the meaning of a breakthrough and discusses how to use the insights available from a breakthrough to dramatically accelerate your performance.

Video, handouts, and other resources from this and other webinars are available for free at:


Results of Executive Coaching

Results of Executive Coaching Time Freedom & Flexibility Dramatic Business Results Accountability Clarity, Confidence, & Calm Escape From Overwhelm & Firefighting Less Stress, More Success Do Less, Get More Extraordinary Skill At Listening & Unleashing...

004 Trust Teleseminar by Tony Mayo • PODCAST



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcast

Teleseminar participants had a deep and practical conversation with CEO executive coach Tony Mayo about trust–a vital topic for business, family, and every human relationship. We also practiced a calming and centering exercise together.

You can join these drop-in, no-set-fee executive coaching teleseminars by registering at

Click here to listen or download to your iPod, iPad, or iPhone. If you use an Android or other non-Apple device for podcasts click this link.


Join us for future teleseminars by clicking here to join the announcement list.

Thanks to MusicOpen for providing public domain recordings of Beethoven.