Best Leaders Cause Fun Workplaces

I believe that leaders have three main roles.

  1. They are responsible for interpreting the organization’s shared values and principles.
  2. They are senior advisers to everyone in the organization. And,
  3. They are the collective conscience, pushing the organization to reach its goals and live up to its ideals.

The idea that top executives or financial experts should make key decisions is so ingrained in our corporate cultures that it is nearly impossible for leaders to delegate important roles and decisions. Leaders who want to increase joy and success in the workplace must learn to take most of their personal satisfaction from the achievements of the people they lead, not from the power they exercise.

–Dennis Bakke
Joy at Work:
A Revolutionary Approach to
Fun on the Job

Fast Company

Why you need measurable goals and a frank coach



“People, quite literally, see themselves as more desirable than they actually are,” says Nicholas Epley, a professor of behavioural science at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business. (Click here for another post on his research.) “When people rate themselves on any dimension that’s ambiguous – their managerial skills, their interpersonal skills, their grammar, or their test-taking ability – there’s zero correlation between their self-perception and their performance. When the picture is ambiguous, people give themselves the benefit of the doubt.” …

The researchers discovered this nearly universal self-distortion by photographing university students, then altering the digital images in tiny increments. Using the real photograph as the model, they created 10 other photos, five approximating an idealized version of the student’s face, and five approximating an unattractive version. When the students returned to the lab several weeks later they were asked to pick out their own face from the 10 other photos in the lineup.

The result? Two-thirds of the students selected a photo that was artificially enhanced by 20 per cent.

–Susan Pinker
in The Globe and Mail



Executive Coach Understands Human Dynamics

HealogixI would recommend Tony Mayo to anyone interested in being more effective professionally. What Tony does seems simple. It’s not.

He is adroit and efficient at understanding the dynamics of how we interact with one another and what does and doesn’t work. He asks great questions and helps you formulate goals and plans that have impact.

He really is genuine and that makes him very effective.


Tim O’Rourke
CRO at Healogix

Commitment Creates a Clearing for Cooperation



Scottish Himalayan Expedition Boldness Poster… but when I said that nothing had been done I erred in one important matter. We had definitely committed ourselves and were halfway out of our ruts. We had put down our passage money— booked a sailing to Bombay. This may sound too simple, but is great in consequence.

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves, too. A whole stream of events issues from (more…)

004 Trust Teleseminar by Tony Mayo • PODCAST



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcast

Teleseminar participants had a deep and practical conversation with CEO executive coach Tony Mayo about trust–a vital topic for business, family, and every human relationship. We also practiced a calming and centering exercise together.

You can join these drop-in, no-set-fee executive coaching teleseminars by registering at

Click here to listen or download to your iPod, iPad, or iPhone. If you use an Android or other non-Apple device for podcasts click this link.


Join us for future teleseminars by clicking here to join the announcement list.

Thanks to MusicOpen for providing public domain recordings of Beethoven.



Expertise, Experience, & Confidence

Rob Daly of 5AM SolutionsTony was referred to us from a trusted and respected friend and business owner, Bill Becker, of BDI USA. Before we even engaged formally with Tony, it was clear that he was going to bring expertise, experience, and confidence to the 5AM executive team. Having now worked with the team over a few months, his impact is already visible, the team is gelling, and the overall sense of empowerment and focus is evident.

If your team has a lot of raw potential, but you know they can be guided to do more, your investment in Tony will bring you great returns.

–Rob Daly, Chairman
5AM Solutions

Twitter Log XIX

TwitterI use Twitter to share brief messages, not more than two per day. You can have them delivered to your cell phone by text message (SMS) or view them when you visit your free Twitter web page. Create a Twitter account and “follow” TonyMayo.

Here are my recent tweets (messages):

Inspiration without application is hallucination. –Ernest Holmes

The last of the human freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances. —Viktor Frankl

Those who say it can’t be done are usually interrupted by others doing it. –James Baldwin

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. –John Quincy Adams

We cannot do everything at once, but we can do something at once. –Calvin Coolidge

Humor is also a way of saying something serious. –T. S. Eliot

At the end of the day, I want to be able to say, “I contributed more than I criticized.” —Brené Brown


Prior tweets are here, at Twitter Logs.



©2011 Tony Mayo

Bonus Better Than Raise




Profess Hsee of BoothMy CEO executive coaching clients frequently wonder how best to motivate and retain key employees. The question often takes the form of, “Should I give her an unscheduled bonus or a raise?” The business owner often tends toward a raise because it defers the cash outlay. My study of psychology recommends the bonus.

I have written about Professor Christopher Hsee of the Booth School of Business before. Recently he spoke explicitly about the bonus vs. raise question. “If you ask a typical employee, he or she will tell you they want the salary. But that’s because they don’t understand psychology,” Hsee said. “You should give them the bonus instead. Salary is stable and people adapt to the new salary level quickly. Bonuses are not as easy to adapt to.”

Hsee also supports my advice about giving a gift, particularly something the employee wants but might not indulge in. “Give somebody something they like but won’t (more…)

Tangible Recognition of Company Values

Tangible Recognition of Company Values



The telephone and Internet were still not connected three days after moving our office. I had spent way too much time on hold and hearing excuses from Verizon. I needed to get free of their bureaucracy to focus on running my business. So I called in the Marines. Actually just one former Marine, a recently retired Colonel. For some jobs one Marine is plenty.

“Chet,” I said, “I know you are an executive here and you have plenty to do. So do I. We need telecomm restored ASAP. Do what you can. Okay?”

“Sure, boss.” Chet replied, “Whatever it takes.”

I was a little concerned by the martial fire in his eyes when he said, “Whatever it takes,” but I was determined

to get the business back online and myself focused on other tasks.

“Right,” I said, “Get it done.”

When I walked into the office the next morning (more…)

Just me and Stephen Covey

I just noticed an interesting feature on Twitter. Under “Profile” is a “Similar to You” section. Tens of millions of people have Twitter accounts. Every executive coach, consultant, and adviser, it seems, has a Twitter account.

Only one is similar to Tony Mayo. Stephen Covey, best-selling author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

CEO Executive Coach Tony Mayo and Stephen Covey on Twitter

No one else is similar to me, even Tom Peters, author of In Search of Excellence, though he does subscribe to my feed. So can you.

Top Executive Coach  Tony Mayo and Tom Peters on Twitter

Twitter Log XVIII

TwitterI use Twitter to share brief messages, not more than two per day. You can have them delivered to your cell phone by text message (SMS) or view them when you visit your free Twitter web page. Create a Twitter account and “follow” TonyMayo.

Here are my recent tweets (messages):

A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.

Herbert Simon in 1971
Click here for antidote:

Be the change you would see in the world. More on Gandhi here.

Character–the willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life–is the source from which self respect springs. — Joan Didion

Meetings suck for information sharing. Get together for collaboration, creativity, & comradery plus promises. More here.

To fall into despair is just a high-class way of turning into a dope. I choose to laugh, and laugh at myself no less than at others. —Saul Bellow

Always leave some money on the table. You’ll probably come back to that table. –Tony Mayo

If you can’t walk away you’re not negotiating, you’re begging. –Tony Mayo

For more on negotiation click here.

Prior tweets are here, at Twitter Logs.


©2010 Tony Mayo

Easy, Free Screen Sharing

Click to try Join.Me It's free!I have been very happy with an easy, free, browser-based screen sharing facility called Join.Me.  That is also the web address: join dot me (not dot com).

I often “dig into the numbers” with my CEO executive coaching clients, sometimes with the help of my free Excel templates (see them here). This tool allows us to see and work on the same screen together though we are miles apart.

Join.Me is so simple, with no software to download or install and no firewall or security issues, that even top executives can use it on the fly.

– – Free Screen Sharing.

Love fosters a “Community of Freedom”

we are fundamentally free:
free to view our life,
and respond to it,
as a loving gift
or not.

To love or not to love, that is the question. No argument or evidence can strip us of this freedom that lies at the root of our being and is therefore so ineradicable. How we choose to respond to this awareness—the awareness that love makes us whole and that we are free to love or not—seals our character and defines who we are. An awareness of the power of love and forgiveness forms, in John Fetzer’s phrase, “a community of freedom.”

How we choose, in that freedom, to live out our awareness of the power to love and forgive can completely transform our lives as well as the life of, and the lives in, the world around us.

–Lawrence E. Sullivan
Pres. and CEO
Fetzer Institute
in Fetzer Institute News