007 Find your center before you act • PODCAST [Refresh]


Click here for Tony Mayo's podcast

Your disposition in this moment constrains the actions you might take in the next. If you are sitting at a desk you cannot immediately leap forward. If you are angry, you are not able to gently embrace your antagonist. If you are speaking loudly and quickly, you cannot listen to subtle cues.

There is a place from which the broadest variety of actions is possible: the (more…)

Optimism is a Strategy

Noam Chomsky

Optimism is a strategy for making a better future.

Because unless you believe that the future can be better you are unlikely to step up and take responsibility for making it so.

If you assume there is no hope, you guarantee there will be no hope.

If you assume there is an instinct for for freedom, there are opportunities to change things, there’s a chance you may contribute to making a better world.

The choice is yours.See it at Amazon

–Noam Chomsky
American linguist and political activist

Have Some Happy




Most of my CEO executive coaching clients have detailed, measurable goals. We use them as navigational aids, comparing interim results with plans and expectations, to help the client make adjustments to their attitudes and activity. I was in the midst of one such review when the client took the conversation in a novel and fruitful direction.

I asked, “Have you looked into that club for sharing exotic sports cars we discussed?”

“I’ve been thinking about that, ” he responded. “Why (more…)

007 Find your center before you act • PODCAST


Click here for Tony Mayo's podcast

Your disposition in this moment constrains the actions you might take in the next. If you are sitting at a desk you cannot immediately leap forward. If you are angry, you are not able to gently embrace your antagonist. If you are speaking loudly and quickly, you cannot listen to subtle cues.

There is a place from which the broadest variety of actions is possible: the (more…)