David J. Pollay


Gratitude changes your life for the better.

Gratitude – The Secret to Getting Back Up©
By David J. Pollay



Greater Good Magazine, founded by Dacher Keltner, a California-Berkeley psychologist and highly regarded researcher, recently dedicated an entire issue to gratitude. The Summer 2007 issue is entitled, Building Gratitude.

Increasing your gratitude is good for you and for the people around you. Gratitude changes your life for the better.

Gratitude Researcher, Robert Emmons, author of Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier, made the case by presenting convincing research in the lead article, Pay It Forward, that we should all increase our gratitude in life if want better relationships, better health, and increased happiness. Catherine Price, in her article Stumbling Toward Gratitude, took a personal approach to exploring the new evidence that gratitude has a positive influence on health and happiness. In the third article, Love, Honor, and Thank, researchers Jess Alberts and Angela Threthewey showed how important gratitude is to marital relationships, particularly when applied to expressing appreciation for completing household chores. And psychologist Jeffrey Froh shared his research on how middle-school students became happier and more connected socially when they increased their feelings of gratitude.