Coaching Business Owners to Go Deep into Their Purpose • PODCAST

Coaching Business Owners to Go Deep into Their Purpose • PODCAST

Click here to listen as Matt and Dan speak with Tony on the SPRH podcast about how you can go deep into your purpose for your small business.

Tony shares practical tips to help business owners to run a larger, more lucrative business with less stress & overwhelm.

You may also enjoy The Conversation Contract podcast episode or this blog post from Tony, One more question…



Martin Luther King Jr.

Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You don’t have to know Einstein’s Theory of Relativity to serve. You don’t have to know the second theory of thermo-dynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.

–Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
To see his autobiography, click here.

The Essential Gandhi: An Anthology of his Writings on his Life, Work, and Ideas

The Essential Gandhi:
An Anthology of his Writings on

his Life, Work, and Ideas

by Mahatma GandhiThe Essential Gandhi

The Essential Gandhi

or Mohandas K. Gandhi
Louis Fisher, Editor

[Items in square brackets are by Tony Mayo.]

{Items in fancy brackets are by the editor, Louis Fisher.}

p. 15 [As a boy, Gandhi confessed a petty theft to his father and was forgiven.] This was for me an object lesson in Ahimsa [Love and Non-Violence]. Then I could read in it nothing more than a father’s love but today I know that it was pure Ahimsa. When such Ahimsa becomes all-embracing it transforms everything it touches. There is no limit to its power.

This sort of sublime forgiveness was not natural to my father. I had thought he would be angry, say hard things and strike his forehead. But he was so wonderfully peaceful and I believe this was due to (more…)

One more question…

One more question…



Download a handy one page .PDF of this post by clicking here.Establish the habit of slowing down your responses to questions, to save time and trouble. A simple and effective way to do this is by training yourself to respond to every question with a clarifying question. This gives the questioner a chance to explain why they asked and what they are trying to accomplish. You’ll be surprised how often the quick answer you might have given would not have helped them –or you– at all.

Suppose, for example, you shipped that big report yesterday, just as you had promised. Today the client telephones and asks, “Have you (more…)