The Power of Writing



See it at Amazon!He thought–while his hand moved rapidly–what a power there was in words; later, to those who heard them, but first for the one that found them; a healing power, a solution, like the breaking of a barrier. He thought, perhaps the basic secret the scientists have never discovered, the first fount of life, is that which happens when a thought first takes shape into words.

–Gail Wynand in The Fountainhead
by Ayn Rand, 1943



Twitter Log III

TwitterI use Twitter to share brief daily messages. You can have them delivered to your cell phone by text message (SMS) or view them when you visit your free Twitter web page. Create a Twitter account and “follow” TonyMayo.

Here are my recent tweets (messages):

The universe creates circumstances & I create their meaning. Confused, I pretend power over circumstances and forget my power over meaning. –Tony Mayo

Let it be. The fulcrum of power is acceptance. Just as it is and is not. Accept does not mean to (more…)

Use Your Whole Self

William James

Most people live … in a very restricted circle of their potential being. They make use of a very small portion of their possible consciousness, and of their soul’s resources in general, much like a man who, out of his whole bodily organism, should get into a habit of using only his little finger.

–William James, 1842-1910
Varieties of Religious Experience


Concrete Results



Ardell FleesonGreetings to any executive or organization considering retaining Tony Mayo as Executive Coach.

Tony coached me for a span of six sessions as a part of his recent accreditation at Newfield Network, and he had such a positive impact on my performance that I retained him for additional paid sessions.


The Challenge


In seven sessions, I have gone from “This is too hard!” to “Of course, I can do this!” due to Tony’s guidance in re-framing my numerous challenges.  Some specifics:

  • I developed a new mental habit which serves me much better.
  • We delved into what suffering is and how (more…)

Twitter Log II

TwitterI use Twitter to share brief daily messages. You can have them delivered to your cell phone by text message (SMS) or view them when you visit your free Twitter web page. Create a Twitter account and “follow” TonyMayo.

Here are my recent tweets (messages):

I fear erosion more than error. Move forward or lose ground.

Fundamental Freedom: Accept “What’s so,” and say, “So what?”

Drill is the mill of skill.

The memory of a truth is (more…)

Breathing Space: Living and Working at a Comfortable Pace in a Sped-Up Society



Breathing Space:

Living and Working at a Comfortable Pace

in a Sped-Up Society by Jeff Davidson


“Our contribution to the progress of the world must, therefore, consist in setting our own house in order.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Jeff Davidson

I use a lot of books in the executive training I offer, some of them well-known bestsellers like Flow [Click here to see Tony’s review.], but there is only one book that I advise my clients to read: Breathing Space. Jeff Davidson has filled each page of Breathing Space with insight, practicality, and specific advice. To get your hands back on the controls of your modern life, no book is better.

Life in today’s world is busy, full, and rife with distractions. Satisfaction can easily slip away without special efforts to create an environment and habits that support our own goals and priorities. Fail to do so and your life will–as Jeff Davidson amply demonstrates–be thoroughly colonized by advertisers, entertainers, and co-workers. It has often been said, and is even more true today, that if you are not (more…)

Accountability Coaching

The bottom line is that being accountable to ourselves is not enough. We clearly need others, preferably outside of our organization, to hold us accountable and to help us accelerate our learning. We need others to help us fight the continual battles against our own human nature and our tendency to do what we want to do, rather than what we need to do. We need others to (more…)


Martin Luther King Jr.

Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You don’t have to know Einstein’s Theory of Relativity to serve. You don’t have to know the second theory of thermo-dynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.

–Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
To see his autobiography, click here.

Tactics for Tough Times



In 2008, I spoke with two groups of business leaders that I coach on the topic, “What should we be doing now to weather the down economy?” Seven ideas received broad support:

  1. Stay in touch with your center and manage your outlook.
  2. Get busy with personal, executive-to-executive selling.
  3. Cash is king. Watch it closely.
  4. Conserve cash: make sure every dollar out is going to come back–soon–in sales or profits.

    • Cut your marginal players now
    • Hire slowly or leave openings unfilled.
      Plenty of talent is (more…)

Key Skills for Entrepreneurs

A study found remarkably high rates of dyslexia among entrepreneurs, as compared with corporate managers and the general population. What I found particularly interesting was the list of traits dyslexics develop that have them become entrepreneurs more often, have multiple companies, and an above average number of employees.

The dyslexic entrepreneurs reported as good or excellent at: (more…)


Felix Adler

Love is the expansion of two natures in such fashion that each include the other, each is enriched by the other.

Love of country is like love of woman–he loves her best who seeks to bestow on her the highest good.

Felix Adler, 1851-1933
American educator and founder of
the Ethical Culture Movement