I no longer use this method.

I now rely on Schedule Once

I Click to see larger imagekeep a graphic representation of my calendar on the World Wide Web so clients can choose the best times to request appointments with me. It is just an image of my availability; I do not reveal with whom I am meeting. Clients still need to contact my office to set the actual appointment.

Clients and other coaches often ask how I do this. I created a simple Excel workbook. My assistant maintains the information manually, updating the spreadsheet from my Outlook calendar. [We use a hosted, single-user Microsoft Exchange service to share my calendar. It keeps my Outlook email, contacts, calendar, etc. synchronized between my desktop, laptop, Treo, and iPhone 3G (with Activesync push), as well as providing a web interface when I am away from my computer and for my assistant to handle my calendar.] Excel can then “publish” the calendar to your website. You are welcome to download the spreadsheet I created and modify it for your own use. Click here for the Excel file.