Freedom = We Do Not Know What We Are Doing


If we could get to know all the consequences of our actions history would be nothing but an idyllic and constant harmony of free wills, or the infallible unfolding of a rational design. We would then always act rationally, that is, we would not act at all, since we would simply follow a pre-established and sterile pattern. But then we would not be free.


We are free, however, and this means literally that we do not know what we are doing.


Nicola Chiaromonte


A New Year, A New Model of Winning


I have just read this and I want to share it with all of you as it describes the promise of who we are as human beings trying to discover identities for ourselves.


A few years ago in the Seattle Special Olympics nine people assembled at the start line for the 100m dash. This was an unusual bunch as they were all suffering from mental or physical handicaps. At the sound of the starters gun they all surged forward except one boy who fell on the asphalt, rolled over a few times and started crying.


The other eight up ahead heard the crying and all looked back to see what is happening. Everyone of them turned and ran back to the young boy. A girl with Downs Syndrome bent down and (more…)