027 Curing Overwhelm • PODCAST [Refresh]

027 Curing Overwhelm • PODCAST [Refresh]



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcastLearn the one common mistake to avoid if you are tired of feeling overwhelmed by listening to this quick audio message from Tony Mayo, The Business Owner’s Executive Coach.

Thanks to MusicOpen for providing public domain recordings of Beethoven.

Just click here to listen now or subscribe on your device using Apple’s Tunes, Android, and other podcatchers to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available.




027 Curing Overwhelm • PODCAST [Refresh]

027 Curing Overwhelm • PODCAST



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcastLearn the one common mistake to avoid if you are tired of feeling overwhelmed by listening to this quick audio message from Tony Mayo, The Business Owner’s Executive Coach.

Thanks to MusicOpen for providing public domain recordings of Beethoven.

Just click here to listen now or subscribe on your device using Apple’s Tunes, Android, and other podcatchers to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available.




Sitting Quietly, Doing Something – Happy Days Blog – NYTimes.com

Daniel Goleman

Jon Kabat-Zinn, …, taught mindfulness at a high-stress biotech company; these beginners meditated for 30 minutes a day for eight weeks. [Professor] Davidson’s measures showed that after the eight weeks they had begun to activate that left prefrontal zone more strongly — and were saying that instead of feeling overwhelmed and hassled, they were enjoying their work. So while the Calvinist strain in American culture may look askance at someone sitting quietly in meditation, this kind of “doing nothing” seems to do something remarkable after all.

Of course, there’s no guarantee of greater happiness from meditation, but the East has given us a promising path for its pursuit.

via Sitting Quietly, Doing Something – Happy Days Blog – NYTimes.com by Daniel Goleman


Meditation for Managers video


See free, easy Meditation Instructions on this blog.