The Business Owner’s Executive Coach, Tony Mayo has shared a great deal of practical information with business people since re-launching his free e-mail newsletter in 2008.
Here is a list of topics covered. Just click on any title to read more.
I first shared this on October 22, 2020, more than three months ago. I wish I had not been right but here we are, with dangerous new versions of COVID-19 spreading from Brazil, South Africa, and the UK to that guy next to you in line.
Stay Home If You Can. or Wear a Mask!
This isn’t the end of the pandemic. I am not even convinced we have reached the end of the beginning.
COVID-19 is an RNA virus, like the common cold. RNA viruses mutate frequently. That’s why (more…)
mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 are being used worldwide. Soon, you may queue to have one injected into your body. Here’re the basics of how mRNA vaccines will work, from the University of Cambridge:
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An interesting editorial in the New York Times by a German journalist explores how Germany is confronting (more…)
I’ve been “upping my game” on video streaming to cope with the new market conditions created by the pandemic. I’ll be sharing what I’ve learned here and on my social media.
Here’s my first instructional live stream. Right below is an equipment list. To keep up with my newest demos and How-Tos, subscribe to my social media or newsletter here.
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Before you reduce the size of your workforce with furloughs or layoffs consider reducing hours per employee. Some states are offering “Work Share” unemployment benefits. If employee hours and pay are reduced, for example, by 25%, employees may be eligible for 25% unemployment benefits. This lets the (more…)
WHO & CDC recommendations for physical distancing A/K/A social distancing do notfully protect bystanders from a sneezing person who carries a viral infection, presumably including SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
To be human is to wonder, “Why?” We are addicted to cause and effect, to explanations and understanding, to discovering sequences of events, to bolstering our illusions of control.
Control of our thoughts.
Control of our bodies.
Control of our diseases.
For as long as I can remember, everyone greeted news of (more…)
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