018 A conversation with executive coaching client Ron Dimon. Part 9 • PODCAST [Refresh]


Click here for Tony Mayo's podcastThis latest podcast is part nine of a funny and useful conversation between top executive coach Tony Mayo and his longtime client Ron Dimon. Ron is an expert on the use of information by executives of large organizations. Listen as two experienced business people play with useful ideas in this episode including:

  • Group coaching for executives
  • Power of public promises
  • Hire nice people
  • Writing a good want ad
  • Working for a jerk
  • The power of “I don’t know”
  • Build charisma with genuine curiosity
  • Whose responsibility is it to cause significant genuine conversations
  • The boss’s job is to create an environment where people can be effective
  • The CEO Conversation
  • Unleash creativity by exchanging certainty for confidence

Just click here and either listen through your computer or subscribe through iTunes to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available.

You may also set up an automatic “feed” to non-Apple devices by using this link: click here for other devices.


017 A conversation with executive coaching client Ron Dimon. Part 8 • PODCAST [Refresh]



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcastThis latest podcast is part eight of a funny and useful conversation between top executive coach Tony Mayo and his longtime client Ron Dimon. Ron is an expert on the use of information by executives of large organizations. Listen as two experienced business people play with useful ideas in this episode including:

  • Management and sales rely upon the same essential skill
  • Why salesperson with the most technical knowledge of the product is almost never the most top producer
  • The Sandler Sales System
  • Giving back the check
  • The awesome power of the skeptical salesperson
  • Why coaches avoid giving advice, opinions and tips
  • VSOP group coaching for executives
  • Problem vs breakdown
  • Internal vs. external conversations
  • Probing the past vs. future focus
  • Effective conversation with an employee or vendor who is late with a deliverable or deadline

Just click here and either listen through your computer or subscribe through iTunes to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available.

You may also set up an automatic “feed” to non-Apple devices by using this link: click here for other devices.


016 Free: Audible® book sample • PODCAST [Refresh]



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcast


Podcast #16: Tony reads a short sample from his first book: The Courage to Be in Community. The complete audiobook is for sale on iTunes and Audible.

Just click here and either listen on your computer or subscribe through iTunes to have this and all new podcast episodes placed on your device as they become available. You may also set up an automatic “feed” to non-Apple devices by using this link: click here for other devices.



Free Executive Coaching by Email

Ever since 1996, when I published my first website on Erol’s,MayoGenuine.com on Erol's in 1996

I’ve shared with business owners the insights and ideas collected or created in my career as a founder, teacher, and coach. This includes two books, scores of emailed newsletters, hundreds of articles, more than fifty podcasts, and dozens of videos, as well as too many social media posts to bother counting.

Today, after a three-year hiatus, I am re-introducing my opt-in email newsletter.Listing of Newsletter Topics I’ll alert subscribers to my latest offerings and provide links to my most popular resources. You can get a clear idea of what’s coming by sampling past issues with this link to my blog.

Please allow me to help you. Just click here to put your name on my mailing list. I promise never to let anyone else see or use what you share with me. I plan to send new issues about once per month, so I won’t be stuffing your inbox. Plus, there will be a link in every newsletter to opt out permanently if I disappoint you.

You can even help determine the topics I cover and other features of the newsletter. After you subscribe by clicking here, I will send a welcome message with an invitation to complete a six-question survey plus a comment box to share your suggestions with me. {Yes. This is Tony. I’m the one who writes every word I send and reads every word in your reply.}

Thank you for your generous attention. I look forward to coaching you toward even greater success.

013 Integrity: Executive Coaching Teleseminar • PODCAST [Refresh]



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcast


Integrity: The Most Overlooked Business Advantage


Podcast #13: Teleseminar on the power and practicality of integrity: doing what you said you would do, by when you promised, and the it was expected to be done or, as soon as you know you will not, communicating and taking responsibility for the breach.
Just click here and either listen through your computer or subscribe through iTunes to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available. You may also set up an automatic “feed” to non-Apple devices by using this link: click here for other devices.

For other posts on integrity see:



012 A conversation with executive coaching client Ron Dimon. Part 7 • PODCAST [Refresh]



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcastThis latest podcast is part seven of a funny and useful conversation between top executive coach Tony Mayo and his longtime client Ron Dimon. Ron is an expert on the use of information by executives of large organizations. Listen as two experienced business people play with useful ideas in this episode including:

  • Put something “at stake”
    • Power of a public promise
  • Integrity under uncertainty
  • Stop grasping, start gaining
    • The power of “giving up”
  • “Hero Managers” attract unreliable employees
  • Don’t be sorry, be successful
    • Recovering from failure
  • Choose your thoughts

Just click here to listen now or subscribe on your device using Apple’s Tunes, Android, and other podcatchers to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available.



011 A conversation with executive coaching client Ron Dimon. Part 6 • PODCAST [Refresh]



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcastThis latest podcast is part five of a funny and useful conversation between top executive coach Tony Mayo and his longtime client Ron Dimon. Ron is an expert on the use of information by executives of large organizations. Listen as two experienced business people play with useful ideas in this episode including;

  • Commitment exists only in language
  • Useful reminders vs. empty affirmations
  • The power of choice
    • Banishing “I have to…”
  • Holding a Space vs succumbing to overwhelm

Just click here to listen now or subscribe on your device using Apple’s Tunes, Android, and other podcatchers to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available.



010 A conversation with executive coaching client Ron Dimon. Part 5 • PODCAST [Refresh]



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcastThis latest podcast is part six of a funny and useful conversation between top executive coach Tony Mayo and his longtime client Ron Dimon. Ron is an expert on the use of information by executives of large organizations. Listen as two experienced business people play with useful ideas in this episode including;

  • Networking Skills
    • Speaking to Strangers
  • Are you playing an “Unwinnable game”?
  • Confidence
  • What’s different about Canadians

Just click here to listen now or subscribe on your device using Apple’s Tunes, Android, and other podcatchers to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available.



009 A conversation with executive coaching client Ron Dimon. Part 4 • PODCAST [Refresh]


Click here for Tony Mayo's podcastThis latest podcast is part four of a funny and useful conversation between top executive coach Tony Mayo and his longtime client Ron Dimon. Ron is an expert on the use of information by executives of large organizations. Listen as two experienced business people play with useful ideas in this episode including;

  • Low stress mindset for high performance on a variety of unstructured and unpredictable tasks
  • Meditation & centering for executives
  • Transforming overwhelm into flow
  • Procrastination
  • Creating vs. fixing
    • “Something’s wrong, & it’s me!”

Just click here to listen now or subscribe on your device using Apple’s Tunes, Android, and other podcatchers to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available.



See free, easy Meditation Instructions on this blog.


Meditation for Managers video


008 Truth or Consequences? Teleseminar Discussion • PODCAST [Refresh]



Truth or Consequences Screen Beans Art © A Bit Better Corporation

Integrity is usually a major conversation when I coach groups of executives. It almost always comes up in the context of arriving at the meeting on time or returning promptly from breaks.1 This leads to a discussion of consequences, by which people mean punishments for not being on time: fines, humiliation, etc. This opens a powerful examination of monitoring, enforcement, and integrity throughout the organization.



This podcast is a teleseminar discussion of one of my favorite blog posts, Truth or Consequences: Beyond the punishment model. Managing your employees with straight talk and accountability vs. punishment.

Apple Podcast logoThis episode is available for free. Click here to listen or download to your iPod, iPad, or iPhone. If you use an Android or other non-Apple device for podcasts click this link



1 For a good article on methods top executives use to be on time see this blog post from Levenger.