Radio interview on The Courage to Be in Community


Eric Tonningsen interviewed Tony for his radio program, Awakening to Awareness: Realigning with What Really Matters.

Eric wrote:

Tony’s recently published book, The Courage to Be in Community served as the underlying focus for our conversation. He shared his distinctions between courage and bravery, and authenticity versus genuineness.

We talked about the significance in communities of five Cs:

  • Courage,
  • Connection,
  • Choice,
  • Compassion and
  • Conversation.

We also explored relationship, acting from the heart, mothering touch, vulnerability and costumes, again in the context of community.

Click here and listen to Tony Mayo talk with Eric about The Courage to Be in Community.

You may also enjoy this interview of Tony by client Chris Haddon.


Tony Mayo interviewed by client REI 360


Chris HaddonChris Haddon sits down for a high-level conversation with Executive Coach Tony Mayo, who has been coaching him and his business partners for years.

During this time they have made tremendous progress in their professional and personal lives.


Click here to listen in as Tony Mayo talks with his client, Chris Haddon.

In this podcast they cover:

  • How can you tell if a coach is qualified
  • What makes for the right coach/client relationship
  • The importance of community for your success
  • Hit your life’s goals using SMRs: Specific Measurable Results
  • Fixing the past vs. planning your future
  • The common denominators of successful people
  • Find out if coaching is right for you


Podcast with Tony Mayo at REI 360.

You may also enjoy this interview of Tony by Eric Tonningsen.


Making the Best of the Worst Part of Your Day



‘Mindful’ commuters say deep breaths, clear mind keep them calm under stress

Nancy Kaplan, chief operating officer at a management consulting firm in downtown D.C., said she pays attention to her breathing and relaxes when her jaw tightens or her fingers clench the steering wheel during her hour-plus commute. She said practicing mindfulness has expanded her driving field of vision beyond traffic to include trees, architecture and cloud formations.

— The Washington Post



See free, easy Meditation Instructions on this blog.


Meditation for Managers video


FREE: Courageous, Genuine Relationships


Sorry, this limited time offer has ended. All material is included in the new, expanded edition available in paperback, hardcover, Kindle, and audio versions. Click here for more details on this blog.

I am happy to make available at no charge and for a limited time the bonus chapter to my Amazon #1 best-selling book, The Courage to be in Community. The free bonus chapter is a simple, practical guide to building better relationships at work and at home. The focus of the book was the importance of compassion and authenticity, while this new section is all about implementation, with specific advice on how to be compassionate and authentic in your day-to-day life.

This free download also includes links to recommended books and articles for further study and practice.

TCTC Bonus Chapter



Grow a Big Company by Keeping Your Job Small



These leadership insights from MCI founder Bill McGowan should sound familiar to my executive coaching clients and to readers of this blog.


INC.: You’ve taken a company from nothing and, in the span of 18 years, created a new industry and built a company doing almost $3 billion worth of business. How do you account for the fact that you didn’t allow the company to outgrow you?

McGOWAN: Besides the fact that there is no accounting for it, I suppose it’s because I realized at every point along the way that I didn’t need to be the person who had to do any particular thing other than make sure that the focus and direction of the company was clear, and that the forces and people were set in motion to get us where we were going.

I’m naturally a delegator. I guess I realized early in life that, (more…)

Coaching from the Man Who Launched 40,000 Businesses



Failing entrepreneur: “My problem is money.”

Entrepreneurship Coach: “No, your problem is trying to do everything yourself. Finding people is your job.”

One of Sirolli’s current goals is to work with business schools to shift the nature of entrepreneurial education. “Most schools teach entrepreneurs that they must have all the skills—product, marketing, financial management. They reward students for putting together a go-it-alone business plan instead of collaborating or identifying who they need to start a business with. In this way, [the schools] often set their students up for failure.”

I told [the trainee coach], “There are just two things you should never do. Don’t initiate anything yourself and never try to motivate people.”

The newly anointed [Entrepreneurship Coach] objected that it would be a disaster to rely on locals for ideas, but promised to do “nothing” until given different instructions. Within two months, he had 46 projects under way.

–Ernesto Sirolli, Ph.D.
The Entrepreneurship Coach
by Sally Helgesen
in Strategy + Business



Tony’s Interview with Healthcare Finance News

Tips for CFOs to survive the transition to value

  • Give up clinging to the illusion of certainty, said executive coach Tony Mayo. Accounting is a black and white world and as such attracts people who like certainty. However, once you move from being a bookkeeper to being a CFO, you are dealing with the future rather than keeping track of the past. “We think we can control the outcomes, but we can’t, so trade certainty for confidence,” Mayo said. “Confidence that you can handle what is coming next. Rather than trying to control and constrain, let’s learn how to respond and create.”
  • Understand your purpose. “If you identify yourself with a particular number occurring on a particular day, you can’t win,” said Mayo, so get clear about your purpose as a human, as an executive and as an organization.

Letting go of the balance sheet
Healthcare Finance News