034 The Dunning-Kruger Effect and the Entrepreneur • PODCAST

034 The Dunning-Kruger Effect and the Entrepreneur • PODCAST



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcastThis common psychological error leads to blame and stagnation. Here’s how to notice it & avoid it.

Just click here to listen now or subscribe on your device using Apple’s Tunes, Android, and other podcatchers to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available.


Thanks to MusicOpen for providing public domain recordings of Beethoven.



030 What Happened vs What’s Next: Late Work Product • PODCAST

030 What Happened vs What’s Next: Late Work Product • PODCAST



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcastLearn the most effective way to respond to late deliveries and work products. Just five minutes with Tony Mayo, the Business Owner’s Executive Coach.

Just click here to listen now or subscribe on your device using Apple’s Tunes, Android, and other podcatchers to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available.

Thanks to MusicOpen for providing public domain recordings of Beethoven.



Top Executive Coaching Newsletter Directory

The Business Owner’s Executive Coach, Tony Mayo has shared a great deal of practical information with business people since re-launching his free e-mail newsletter in 2008.
Here is a list of topics covered. Newsletter sample from Tony MayoJust click on any title to read more.

021 Growing Beyond Control into Confidence • DeskVideo • PODCAST

021 Growing Beyond Control into Confidence • DeskVideo • PODCAST


Click here for Tony Mayo's podcastThis short podcast describes an important step in the growth of business owners and other leaders, moving beyond the urge to control and micro-manage every action toward acting with confidence in your team and your own ability to respond to every eventuality.


Transcript: (more…)

A Simple Habit That Can Boost Productivity


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Here is a simple habit that can boost productivity in your organization. One client credits this technique for an 18% increase in annual revenue with a reduced headcount. It takes practice but quickly becomes second nature.

I brought this method into the workplace from my flight training. Pilots and air traffic controllers (ATC) must communicate precisely and briefly while also executing specialized tasks. Misunderstandings in aircraft can have horrible consequences, so specific communication techniques are required. Many of the most serious accidents are caused by failure to follow these practices, including the 1977’s Tenerife Airport Disaster, commercial aviation’s deadliest incident.

Talk may be cheap but miscommunication is costly.

Have you ever listened to the (more…)

What Evil Lurks in the Design of Public Companies



Too many jobs are perfectly constructed to elicit inhumane behavior. Read my book to learn how it got this way.

The most fundamental lesson of our study:


Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process.


Even when asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority.


—Professor Stanley Milgram, PhD
Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View
Perennial Classics 2009 p. 6.

Professor Milgram was responsible for two psychological studies that became well-known by the general public while having almost no positive influence on government or corporate structures, the “administer a painful shock” compliance experiment and the “Small World” six degrees of separation demonstration.