Plain talk on good management from US government



I just OPM's John Berryread a talk by the head of the US government’s Office of Personnel Management, John Berry.  He provides a concise and cogent summary of the new management thinking that I hope will become a major influence in organizations around the world. This shift in management is, I believe, the result of two major trends. First, the crash of 2008 made it very clear that we had been placing too much emphasis and confidence in our top leaders while day-to-day quality of life for the rank-and-file stagnated or declined. Second, a huge wave of research in behavioral economics and positive psychology is shifting management practice toward methods that are tested and proven rather than anecdotal and heuristic.

Below are excerpts from the speech that illustrate some of my favorite points, the practices I emphasize with my own CEO executive coaching clients.

But don’t read my excerpts.

I recommend that leaders of organizations, particularly chief executives, read his entire speech by clicking here. Try to forget that he is speaking about government employees. Ignore references to the President and Congress. Imagine, instead, that you made this speech to your managers and employees. What would the impact be of making these changes in your own leadership style, in your company’s performance review process, in your day-to-day life?



Selected remarks of OPM Director John Berry
Interagency Resource Management Conference
Kellogg Conference Center

What if, when setting performance standards, we engaged our employees and got clear about expectations? What if we made sure performance standards were detailed, objective, aligned to agency mission and goals, and had employee buy-in – that they weren’t just dictated from on high?

Consider the four essential pieces of how we currently manage performance: (more…)

Are Extroverts or Introverts Better Leaders?

Click here for the original article at WhartonWhat personality type is more likely to succeed in a leadership position? If you go by popular culture — television, movies, and books written by hero CEOs — you might think extroverts are natural leaders. Research summarized in an excellent article published by Wharton suggests a more nuanced answer.

Employees who are proactive and eager to have their ideas considered will be more productive with an introverted leader, who has the humility and patience to accept employee feedback. Extroverted leaders seem able to get more from passive, less group-oriented employees. This may explain part of a common business mistake, promoting a top salesperson into management. The extroversion that made the salesperson so successful may make her an inappropriate leader of other extroverts.

As a leader, know thyself and select followers that complement your style. As a business executive, consider the personalities of the people to be led when selecting their supervisor. If you already have an extrovert in charge of a group of proactive employees consider some executive coaching to help the extrovert become a better listener and more receptive to the ideas of others. If you have an introvert in charge of a department full of passive people you may need to find some other ways to motivate them to exert themselves and bring useful new ideas forward.

Improved Goal Thermometer



I frequently encourage my top executive coaching clients to set specific measurable goals and to chart their progress visually. For example, my free trailing twelve month Excel template is very popular. Download it by clicking here.

Here is an even simpler and more visually striking graphic you can use. Enter your own title, goal amount and current status and get a one-page, printable thermometer to display your progress for yourself or the entire team. This is similar to my earlier goal thermometer with the added feature of showing the time elapsed since the project was started.

Click here to download your free copy now. No registration required.

Feel free to share this with your friends and colleagues. Please do not remove my name or web address from the Excel spreadsheet.



Keep me informed about Tony’s webinars, in-person coaching sessions, and free Life Planning & Goal Setting tools.


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See also Tony’s complete goal setting kit, with audio and workbook,
free on this blog.



003 A conversation with executive coaching client Ron Dimon. Part 3 • PODCAST



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcastThis latest podcast is part three of a funny and useful conversation between top executive coach Tony Mayo and his longtime client Ron Dimon. Ron is an expert on the use of information by executives of large organizations. Listen as two experienced business people play with useful ideas in this episode including:

  • Tony’s motivation to shift from management to executive coaching
    • Early days at MCI
    • Toxic leaders
    • Arthur Andersen & Co.
    • There has got to be a better way
  • Dangers of emulating “genius managers”
  • Meditation and yoga for business people
  • Beyond money, jobs are about relationship
  • Performance velocity
  • Being counter-cultural instead of a “leaf on the breeze”
  • Brain science
  • Amygdala, limbic system, and forebrain
  • Reasons and responsibility
  • Transforming habits
  • Breath, CO2, and stress

Just click here to listen now or subscribe on your device using Apple’s TunesAndroid, and other podcatchers to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available.


Thanks to MusicOpen for providing public domain recordings of Beethoven.

Turning Your Goals into Habits



The number one problem with business books, self-improvement programs, and even executive coaching is the excess of insights and ideas that could help, that would help, but do not help because the ideas do not produce action.

Here are the two most important methods that I, as a top executive coach, use with clients to help them get results with new ideas.

First, we have a detailed, concrete conversation about their daily habits and history of abandoned “good ideas.” We explore together and define simple, specific changes to their routine that will help integrate the new practice into their lives. For example, a client with a well-established habit of using his home gym immediately after arising in the morning hung a sign on the TV over his treadmill to remind him to meditate first.

For a simple trick to help you establish beneficial new habits click here.

Second, and even more powerful, is (more…)

We are what we do

Karma simply means “action” and is derived from the verbal root kr which mean “to do” or “to make.”

The self is plastic, a malleable clay being molded each moment by intention. Just as our scientists are discovering not only how the mind is shaped by the brain but now, too, how the brain is shaped by the mind, so the Buddha described long ago the interdependent process by which intentions are conditioned by dispositions and dispositions in turn are conditioned by intentions.

–Andrew Olendzki
Karma in Action

human good turns out to be activity

Nicomachean Ethics

Get smarter by asking “dumb” questions

Mine was the Depression generation of journalists. Many of the best people were not educated. When I went to London as a sportswriter, I didn’t even know the difference between the Baltic states and the Balkans. But I learned the advantage of the dumb-boy technique. I found that people love to talk about themselves. You get more news by trust than by tricks.

But that is not a very popular idea with this generation. Because they went to college, they think that they know more than the guys who run the joint, and that’s a pretense that doesn’t work. Also they like big shots. I always felt that the way to gather news in Washington is at the periphery not at the center. You get it from the people who tell the big shots what to say.


James Reston
interviewed by Alvin P. Sanoff
US News and World Report


002 A conversation with executive coaching client Ron Dimon. Part 2 • PODCAST



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcastThis podcast is part two of a funny and useful conversation between top executive coach Tony Mayo and his longtime client Ron Dimon. Ron is an expert on the use of information by executives of large organizations. Listen as two experienced business people play with useful ideas in this episode including;

  • Importance of feedback to effective communication
  • “Holding a Space” or “Building a Deer Park”
    • Big Meadow
    • Core hours
  • Danger of imposing “consequences”
  • Workplaces of Humanity & Prosperity
  • Self-directed, self-selecting teams at WT Gore and Semco
  • Over time, you get what you tolerate
  • Children, like employees, are humans, too

Just click here to listen now or subscribe on your device using Apple’s TunesAndroid, and other podcatchers to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available.


Guidelines for Communication that Supports “Team”

Guidelines for Communication that Supports “Team”

  • Speak for yourself about yourself. Starting sentences with “I” is a powerful shortcut to this skill. You can state facts, opinions, emotions, concerns, requests, suggestions—whatever—if and only if you take ownership of them.
    It is okay to carry a message or speak for someone else; just be clear about what you are doing. Label it.
  • Communicate to cause a result.
    Stay in every conversation—whether in person, by email, telephone, whatever—long enough to learn how your communication lands with the other person and be responsible for their response. How they feel or act is your business and you should be ready to respond.
  • Include the whole team in team conversations. Avoid having conversations about any person not participating in that conversation. This guideline also includes those conversations you have inside your head.

Learned Resilience

Study after study has shown that people who function well under stress share several core beliefs:

  • see times of change and uncertainty not as dangerous but as exciting opportunities;
  • focus on what they can do to improve a stressful situation, rather than growing helpless; and
  • maintain a sense of commitment to the world around them, instead of withdrawing.

Studies of everyone from classical musicians to competitive swimmers have found no difference at all between elites and novices in the intensity of their pre-performance anxiety; the poised, top-flight performers, however, were far more likely to describe their fear as an aid to success than the non-elites. No matter what skill we’re trying to improve under pressure—working on deadline, public speaking, staying cool on a first date—learning to work with fear instead of against it is a transformative shift.

Tiger Blood:
What it takes to keep cool under pressure.
Taylor Clark in Slate Magazine

001 A conversation with executive coaching client Ron Dimon. Part 1 • PODCAST



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcastThis latest podcast is part one of a funny and useful conversation between top executive coach Tony Mayo and his longtime client Ron Dimon. Ron is an expert on the use of information by executives of large organizations. Listen as two experienced business people play with many ideas in this episode including;

  • how to find and rewrite the script of your life,
  • the value of seeing your career as a way to grow your relationships with people,
  • why business people need not read business books,
  • the brain food available from chess, contract bridge, Excel, and programming;
  • the power of flat management hierarchy at Pixar and other Silicon Valley companies;
  • the danger of “leaving your ego at the door” in a business meeting.

Just click here to listen now or subscribe on your device using Apple’s TunesAndroid, and other podcatchers to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available.


Now on iTunes: Top Executive Coaching, the Podcast!

Now on iTunes: Top Executive Coaching, the Podcast!



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcastI am very pleased to announce that my podcast has been accepted by iTunes. Thanks to this amazing, free service from the design geniuses at Apple you can easily receive automatic downloads of my talks and interviews to your iPod, iPad, iPhone, or iDon’t-know-what-else through your iTunes account. Just click here and either listen through your computer or subscribe to have new episodes placed on your device as they become available.

Android logoYou may also set up an automatic “feed” to non-Apple devices by using this link: click here for other devices.

Podcasts are already available on goal setting, trust, persistence, and helping employees follow company policy.


Just click here to listen now or subscribe on your device using Apple’s Tunes, Android, and other podcatchers to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available.



Get Up, Stand Up.



There is a rapidly accumulating body of evidence which suggests that prolonged sitting is very bad for our health, even for lean and otherwise physically active individuals.

The good news? Animal research suggests that simply walking at a leisurely pace may be enough to rapidly undo the metabolic damage associated with prolonged sitting, a finding which is supported by epidemiological work in humans. So, while there are a lot of questions that remain unanswered (e.g. Is there a “safe” amount of daily sedentary time?), the evidence seems clear that we should strive to limit the amount of time we spend sitting. And when we do have to sit for extended periods of time (which, let’s face it, is pretty much every single day for many of us) we should take short breaks whenever possible.



Finally, if you take only one thing from this post, let it be this—sitting too much is not the same as exercising too little.


–Travis Saunders
Scientific American
Guest Blog: Can sitting too much kill you?