007 Find your center before you act • PODCAST [Refresh]


Click here for Tony Mayo's podcast

Your disposition in this moment constrains the actions you might take in the next. If you are sitting at a desk you cannot immediately leap forward. If you are angry, you are not able to gently embrace your antagonist. If you are speaking loudly and quickly, you cannot listen to subtle cues.

There is a place from which the broadest variety of actions is possible: the (more…)

006 Roadwork for Enduring Results • PODCAST [Refresh]


Roadwork for Enduring Success

I developed this talk for the initial meeting of executive coaching groups to prepare them for the slow, sometimes difficult aspects of their work. I have used it many times to great effect when launching teams into other long-term projects. Some of my coaching clients have even adapted it for their own presentations.

Click below for the video with (more…)

004 Trust Teleseminar by Tony Mayo • PODCAST [Refresh]



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcast

Teleseminar participants had a deep and practical conversation with CEO executive coach Tony Mayo about trust–a vital topic for business, family, and every human relationship. We also practiced a calming and centering exercise together.

You can join these drop-in, no-set-fee executive coaching teleseminars by registering at http://tiny.cc/calllist.

Click here to listen or download to your iPod, iPad, or iPhone. If you use an Android or other non-Apple device for podcasts click this link.


Join us for future teleseminars by clicking here to join the announcement list.

Thanks to MusicOpen for providing public domain recordings of Beethoven.



003 A conversation with executive coaching client Ron Dimon. Part 3 • PODCAST [Refresh]



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcastThis latest podcast is part three of a funny and useful conversation between top executive coach Tony Mayo and his longtime client Ron Dimon. Ron is an expert on the use of information by executives of large organizations. Listen as two experienced business people play with useful ideas in this episode including:

  • Tony’s motivation to shift from management to executive coaching
    • Early days at MCI
    • Toxic leaders
    • Arthur Andersen & Co.
    • There has got to be a better way
  • Dangers of emulating “genius managers”
  • Meditation and yoga for business people
  • Beyond money, jobs are about relationship
  • Performance velocity
  • Being counter-cultural instead of a “leaf on the breeze”
  • Brain science
  • Amygdala, limbic system, and forebrain
  • Reasons and responsibility
  • Transforming habits
  • Breath, CO2, and stress

Just click here to listen now or subscribe on your device using Apple’s TunesAndroid, and other podcatchers to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available.


Thanks to MusicOpen for providing public domain recordings of Beethoven.

002 A conversation with executive coaching client Ron Dimon. Part 2 • PODCAST [Refresh]



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcastThis refreshed podcast is part two of a funny and useful conversation between top executive coach Tony Mayo and his longtime client Ron Dimon. Ron is an expert on the use of information by executives of large organizations. Listen as two experienced business people play with useful ideas in this episode including;

  • Importance of feedback to effective communication
  • “Holding a Space” or “Building a Deer Park”
    • Big Meadow
    • Core hours
  • Danger of imposing “consequences”
  • Workplaces of Humanity & Prosperity
  • Self-directed, self-selecting teams at WT Gore and Semco
  • Over time, you get what you tolerate
  • Children, like employees, are humans, too

Just click here to listen now or subscribe on your device using Apple’s TunesAndroid, and other podcatchers to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available.


001 A conversation with executive coaching client Ron Dimon. Part 1 [Refresh] • PODCAST



Click here for Tony Mayo's podcastThis re-issued podcast is part one of a funny and useful conversation between top executive coach Tony Mayo and his longtime client Ron Dimon. Ron is an expert on the use of information by executives of large organizations. Listen as two experienced business people play with many ideas in this episode including;

  • how to find and rewrite the script of your life,
  • the value of seeing your career as a way to grow your relationships with people,
  • why business people need not read business books,
  • the brain food available from chess, contract bridge, Excel, and programming;
  • the power of flat management hierarchy at Pixar and other Silicon Valley companies;
  • the danger of “leaving your ego at the door” in a business meeting.

Just click here to listen now or subscribe on your device using Apple’s TunesAndroid, and other podcatchers to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available.