VIDEO: What is Easy?
The ancient sages knew that the easy answers were the least useful. Executive coaches know that, too.
The ancient sages knew that the easy answers were the least useful. Executive coaches know that, too.
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Shifting this verbal habit will boost your energy and satisfaction; details in this quick audio message from The Business Owner’s Executive Coach, Tony Mayo.
Thanks to MusicOpen for providing public domain recordings of Beethoven.
Just click here to listen now or subscribe on your device using Apple’s Tunes, Android, and other podcatchers to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available.
Learn the most effective way to respond to late deliveries and work products.
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Learn the one common mistake to avoid if you are tired of feeling overwhelmed by listening to this quick audio message from Tony Mayo, The Business Owner’s Executive Coach.
Thanks to MusicOpen for providing public domain recordings of Beethoven.
Just click here to listen now or subscribe on your device using Apple’s Tunes, Android, and other podcatchers to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available.
Being busy is no badge of honor. Choose a better way to be.
The one habit to change if you are tired of feeling overwhelmed in this quick video message from an executive coach.
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A quick message on shaking off the burden of obligations and taking on the power of choice, from The Business Owner’s Executive Coach.
Just click here to listen now or subscribe on your device using Apple’s Tunes, Android, and other podcatchers to have this and all new episodes placed on your device as they become available.
Facts are useful. Opinions help, too. Knowing one from the other will help you get more work done with more people. Here’s why.
Transcript (more…)
Too many jobs are perfectly constructed to elicit inhumane behavior. Read my book to learn how it got this way.
The most fundamental lesson of our study:
Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process.
Even when asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority.
—Professor Stanley Milgram, PhD
Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View
Perennial Classics 2009 p. 6.
Professor Milgram was responsible for two psychological studies that became well-known by the general public while having almost no positive influence on government or corporate structures, the “administer a painful shock” compliance experiment and the “Small World” six degrees of separation demonstration.
Chapter One is below.
Read the Author’s Preface by clicking here.
Chapter 1
Haunted Hallways
I reminded myself that we were in a well-lit office, not a dark alley. No need to get aggressive yet. I relaxed my jaw and tried to keep the fear out of my voice as I replied, “If you pull my people off your project, there’s no way you’ll meet the delivery date.”
My client looked at me blandly, as if he had delivered a weather forecast. In fact, he had devastated my sales forecast. Five fewer of my consultants billing their time to this client meant there was no way I would meet quota to earn my bonus. I needed him to engage with me. I forced a response with a direct question that was also a threat. “Did Juan approve this staffing cut?”
“Why would I check with Juan?” asked the Director of Information Systems Development (ISD) for Billing Systems. He ran his finger down a page of the MCI internal directory as he spoke, “Nobody (more…)
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